Now that I am jumping full swing into WonderHowTo Worlds here... I can see why this is platform is much better for socializing... With Facebook, you might as well flash your naked self for all to see, because there isn't much left to know about you.
I was wondering this morning...... "Why would anyone switch to this platform of socializing when Facebook has made the connections so damn easy? For most of us, Facebook is acting like a Business Card for anyone having an account. If we don't know someone but we have heard about this person through another, it doesn't take much to search them out. in my opinion was pioneering this idea with bringing school people together. It has got more complex but Facebook made connecting FREE. Of course we want to show off that brand new puppy or spouse, or kid, and whatever else we may have... but many people haven't considered what we are also sharing.
I would bet to guess that many of you know of at least one person crying BROKE and yet will see that same person post a picture of a brand new object that is freshly financed or bought. We are quick to say how we are feeling and yet outsiders may be looking at that and thinking "OKAY AND....".
The most scary aspect of Facebook to me is the level of contact an outsider has to you. They can see your friends. If you have labelled someone family, they know who your family is. They can click on your family and say ... OH I am a friend of the family... meanwhile they could be anyone. There is no ID CHECKING and anyone can make up a name. Someone targeting another person just has to have a mission. That person could be a real friend to you, but created another name saying I know so and so... and then get you to say stuff about that person just to make your life hell.
We've seen this type of behavior already in CHAT ROOMS. MSN closed down their chatrooms because things were getting out of hand. People creating names that were false but on a mission to hurt others.
I would bet that many of us know even more people who are always victims in every update they share. POOR ME... LIFE IS ROUGH... VICTIMIZED... LIFE SUCKS... and just when you think you have read all of them... they always manage to surprise us with a story or two.
So it seems obvious to me why to join here and reduce can be part of a social network without revealing your complete identity and control your personal information.
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